Friday, December 02, 2005


i've had to rip several inches of the poncho and several hours of work, about to where i started knitting at the cpr class. i guess that's what i get for not giving the class my full attention. but i swear, i know how to do cpr: check, call, care! ... "annie, annie, are you ok?!" ... ABC (airway, breathing, circulation)! ... look, listen, feel for signs of respiration! ... rescue breathing is 1 breath every 5 seconds! ... cpr is 15 compressions (at a rate of about 100 per minute) to 2 breaths! ...

now can i have some good knitting karma?

on a happier note, i've gotten a lot of compliments when wearing my seed stitch hat and several of my friends want me to teach them to knit. i'm excited for vegan stitch 'n bitch on sunday and hopefully i'll get a lot done on the poncho this weekend.


Blogger bitterknitter said...

I don't mind ripping out sometimes. It sucks, but it feels so much better when the piece is redone correctly! I will also "ignore" mistakes to avoid ripping sometimes :)

Tue Dec 06, 11:23:00 AM EST  
Blogger jen said...

i agree, on both accounts.

my trouble with this poncho is not that i've made so many mistakes, but that i want the "random" stripes of cream, taupe, etc. to look good and sometimes i can't tell how they will look until i knit them up. sometimes i decide that a stripe is too wide, or that the off white pakucho, not the taupe bamboo, should have come after the shimmering black soy silk. i have a picture in my head of how the finished product should look and i'm committed to making it look that way.

at my vegan knitting group the other day, a friend said "no one will notice how the stripes are done, it's not worth stressing over." but i said "no one will notice the stripes if i make them look good, that's the goal -- if i didn't put the effort into making them look good, people would notice that they didn't look right."

Tue Dec 06, 11:59:00 AM EST  

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