Wednesday, November 08, 2006

present for my yoga teacher?

i think i'm going to make her a tote bag. i figure if she wants a yoga mat bag, she probably already has one. yesterday in class she was using a canvas bag from whole foods to carry her notebook and stuff. i thought a tote bag is something that everyone can use.

i'm trying to decide if i should knit it or sew it. i'm leaning towards knitting (with a fabric lining) because i think with my skills it will come out better, and i also prefer knitting. but i'm not sure which she'd prefer. suggestions?


Blogger Michelle said...

hmmm, one of my favorite things to make EVER is a tote bag! sewn, though! so satisfying and useful!

knitting a tote would probably be fun, too, but to make it sturdy, people often felt theres. and since if you don't use wool, you can't felt, it might be kinda stretchy?

Wed Nov 08, 09:07:00 PM EST  
Blogger vania said...

I too love tote bags, i have too many to choose from! I think knitting would be great, with that lining idea. I made my sister of tote bag from recycled plastic bags that i cut up and knit together. she's an enviro scientist so i know she'd appreciate it!

Sun Nov 12, 05:57:00 PM EST  
Blogger HibiscuitsGirl said...

Knit a tote! You can never have too many totes.

Mon Nov 27, 12:57:00 PM EST  

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