Saturday, March 04, 2006

refurbished vintage lamp

we found this lamp on the side of the street after one of our neighbors had left it out with their garbage. travis fixed it up and rewired it and now it's lovely.

i printed out a photo of it, and i was going to leave it at the house with a note that says "thanks" but maybe i shouldn't alert them to the hazards of throwing out nice stuff. if they stay in the dark, maybe we'll find another treat on the street in the future.

in response to emily's question, here is the lamp as it looks in our "dining room." i don't know what else to call it since our table is in there, but it's not really a separate room. the main floor of our house is pretty much open. i was standing in the kitchen when i took this picture.

see the paint chips on the wall? we are going to paint the "dining room" the color of the second one down from the top.

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Blogger Michelle said...

excellent -- I wish I could paint my apartment. That's a cool color; I've been warming up to greens again. And great score. The neighbors are more likely to leave you great stuff if they don't realize that it's great stuff (unfortunately, though I understand why you'd want to say thanks).

Sun Mar 05, 11:34:00 AM EST  
Blogger vania said...

i love that lamp, aren't free finds the best? I too can't live in an apartment that i didn't paint over - each room here is a different colour and green shades are in two of my rooms. Tell your honey good job rewiring the lamp, by the way!

Mon Mar 06, 10:45:00 PM EST  
Blogger mishka said...

gorgeous find, Jen! I am going to make a point of trying to find great items like this during the summer. And the paint chip - it looks to be the same colour I painted my bedroom :)

Are you leaving the front room white? The front room left white, mixed with the green dining room would be such a beautiful contrast!

Tue Mar 07, 12:28:00 PM EST  
Blogger jen said...

we fix up our house at a glacial pace, so who knows when the front room will be painted. it definitely needs to be painted, but i imagine that we will have many months of seeing the green dining room contrasted against the white front room to help us decide what we want to do.

Tue Mar 07, 12:36:00 PM EST  
Blogger Siel said...

Proud of ya for reusing and recycling :) Do you guys have freecycle in your area?

Wed Mar 08, 12:17:00 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wish i had taken a before photo of the lamp! the poor thing was looking quite rough and neglected when we found it.

Wed Mar 08, 12:09:00 PM EST  
Blogger krissy said...

that lamp looks great! and your place looks so cozy...i LOVE the hardwood floors!

Tue Mar 14, 09:12:00 AM EST  

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